5 Member Systems

1000+ Exclusive Distributors in China (Brand Partners)

10000+ Retail Distributors

5000+ Influencers (100+MCN companies)

350+ Factories and R&D Laboratories

350+ Third-party Service Providers

1000+ Exclusive Distributors in China (Brand Partners)

Suhu's cooperative brands cover more than 50 countries and regions, covering beauty-related skin care, personal care, food, health supplements, mother and baby, pets, and related categories continue to expand.


10000+ Retail Distributors

Suhu helps brands link more than 10,000 omni-channel retail distributors, covering Taobao, Tmall, Tmall International, JD.com, Pinduoduo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, Youzan, and other major e-commerce platforms, a total of 10,000 retail distribution partners,as well as private domain buyers, group buying leaders, and offline cosmetics franchise stores covering the whole country.


5000+ Influencers (100+MCN companies)

Suhu has in-depth cooperation with 120+ MCN organizations to help brands quickly settle on major social platforms and enhance the brand's influence, popularity, and reputation in the Chinese market; it helps brands establish cooperation with professional influencers and live broadcast sales personnel in KOL and other fields, Provide a complete program.


350+ Factories and R&D Laboratories

Suhu brings together high-quality factories and supply chain enterprises, covering multiple links such as cosmetics, personal care packaging materials, raw materials, etc., providing brand supply chain solutions to reduce costs and increase benefits.


350+ Third-party Service Providers

Suhu helps brands connect with high-quality service providers in various industries, covering logistics, warehousing, finance, e-commerce platforms, media and other fields.

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Room 12, 19th Floor, Ho King Commercial Center, 2-16 Huayuan Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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